vim cheat sheet

1 minute read

0.Structure of vim commands:

<number><command><text object or motion>

1.Basic editing

2.Operators and repetition

3.Yank and paste


5.Marks and macros

6. Various motions

7.Various commands

8.Text objects

  • Scope:
    i: inner, does not include surrounding white space.
    a: around, includes surrounding white space.

  • Object:
    w: word
    s: sentence
    p: paragrph

9.Complete cheat sheet


input unicode:ctrl+v u unicode. example:ctrl+v u 2190 =

solve autoindent issue during paste several line: entry :set paste mode and then paste, entry :set nopaste to quit paste mode

upper/lower case: gu/gU+scope($,G,w,0,...) or visual mode + u/U
Change between lower and upper case: ~

Ctrl+B/F = scroll up/down page

ZZ: quit and save
ZQ: quit and don’t save
:x: quit and save

n + i + x + ESC :insert n times of x
quit insert mode: ESC or Ctrl+[
delete and enter insert mode: c + scope(w,$,G,b,...)
delete entir row and enter insert mode: cc/S
delete one character and enter insert mode: s

:r!date: Insert current date and time at cursor position
:r!command: Insert the output of shell command

%: move between {} [] ()

find a word: / * #

:set ignorecase smartcase

Search Result
/Word Word
/WoRd WoRd
/word word,Word,WORD,WoRd….
/word\C word (case sensitive)
/word\c word,Word,WORD,WoRd…. (case insensitive)

Find each occurrence of ‘foo’ (in all lines), and replace it with ‘bar’.

This is can be used to repalce URL.

Redo: . or Ctrl+R

indent in visual mode:
> or <


Several images are download from

